Sabbatical Report
The objective of my sabbatical was to produce a virtual art space. Specifically I proposed to:
The underlined titles indicate web pages which I developed or collaborated in their creation.
- continue with the development of the SLCC Web Site.
- develop a link to the Florissant Valley Campus
- and develop a link from the FV campus to the Art and Humanities Department.
- to develop a virtual art space which would:
- enable photography students to have their photographs seen on the web ( In addition, students in a computer art/digital photography class which I am teaching are just starting to put their work on the web for critique and exhibition.
- create a potential for higher visibility of our college and students (this was done throughout our web site.)
- exhibit student work (see #1)
- provide a forum for discussions about current Art and Humanities Department activities on the FV Campus. Currently we have a email discussion list devoted to the prospective Florence trip. I also developed for the Fall and Spring upcoming theater and art events.
- provide an exhibition place for a project of my own which would assimilate photographs, painting, and text. The links for such projects are linked to my home page. My Underwood Lecture is a series of twenty artworks which combine photography, painting, and text.
- provide links to arts events in St. Louis, and arts activities around the
- provide links from existing art sites on the internet to our own sites. We are getting frequent email from around the world asking for information about our college.
- continue to help faculty develop web sites. I have worked with a number of faculty, on a number of different pages, including Ken Boyer with the CTL, Caroline Davis with the Wellness Center (, Kathy Cooper with the Athletics Schedule, Ann Dempsey with the Honors Program (, Mike and Neathery Fuller with the Tuneinir Dig (, David Hanlon with the site (, and Howard Mayes with the Engineering Science pages.
Kim Mosley, Professor